Farm info

Finca Churupampa is both a farm and the name of a collaborative project created by the Tacto Bermeo family in 2011 with the goal of becoming a self-sustaining and productive farm. In addition to producing and processing coffee, the project has also worked as a specialty coffee exporter since 2013. Today, the project includes 28 coffee producing families in the towns of Tabaconas, Coipa, and Chirinos who work together with the purpose to establish a new business model for coffee built on collaboration, sustainability, and trust between producers and others throughout the supply chain.

This lot of Organic coffee was grown by smallholder members of Finca Churupampa, and processed by Lenin Tocto. Fresh coffee cherries were pulped using a hand pulped before being fermented for 12–24 hours in tiled tanks. The fermented coffee is then washed and fermented a second time for 12–24 hours. The coffee is then washed again and graded in channels before being dried. The parchment coffee is then dried on raised beds and covered in plastic; this drying technique is critical in order to combat the heavy rainfall and high humidity that characterize the harvest months in Chirinos.



Cajamarca Department of Peru shares a border with Ecuador to the north, and the Peruvian Departments of Amazonas to the east, La Libertad to the south, and Lambayeque and Piura to the west. The Andes mountains run through Cajamarca, and the fertile soil and mineral deposits make agriculture, dairy farming, and mining principal economies of the region.

In the 15th Century, the Incan empire expanded into what is today the Cajamarca department and established their regional capital in the city of Cajamarca, today the capital of the department. The city of Cajamarca is one of the oldest cities in South America.

Coffee farming in Cajamarca is centered around the city of Jaen, high in the mountains. The western reaches of the Amazon Rainforest extend to Jaen and its environs. Cajamarca has thirteen provinces, many of which are criss-crossed by rivers flowing from high in Andes down to fertile river basins.