Ruy Machado Junior is a coffee producer following in father’s footsteps. Mr. Ruy Machado began cultivating coffee in the Caparaó region in the mid-1950s, along with working with dairy and beef cattle and acting as a coffee trader in the region. Ruy Junior fell in love with coffee through his father’s work, and endeavored to become a coffee producer himself.
Ruy Junior purchased Fazenda Boa Vista in 1992 and has worked with his crops in pursuit of high quality ever since. The farm reaches up to 1000 meters above sea level, and spans 56 hectares with 9 hectares dedicated to coffee production. In order to acheive high quality results he works in partnership with others, employing proper plant management, harvesting ripe coffee cherries, and drying them on patios where they are moved 4–5 times per day to ensure uniformity.
This lot of Catimor coffee underwent Natural processing. Catimor was originally developed by the University Federal de Viçosa in Brazil by crossing Timor Hybrid 832/1 and Caturra variety plants. Further selections of the variety were completed in Central America, eventually resulting in further hybrids common in the region, such as Costa Rica 95, Lempira, and Catisic varieties.