Coffee producer Valdemir Oliveira dos Reis operates Sítio São João alongside his wife and children in the Mantiqueira de Minas region of Brazil. The property has been in his family for generations, and has a long history of producing quality coffees, capitalizing on the area’s good conditions for coffee production. Operations at the farm are all completed manually, including harvest and fertilization, leading to high quality results. Since 2016 the family has competed in the Força Café contest, earning top placement in both 2016 and 2017.
Yellow Catuai was made by the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Campinas, Brazil by crossing Mundo Novo and Caturra varieties. Catuai coffees are cultivated widely across Brazil and are known for their high productivity potential.
This lot of coffee underwent fermented natural processing, which begins immediately after harvest. First, the coffee is carefully sorted to remove any defects. Then, it is moved to the drying area, where it is spread in thin layers and consistently turned to ensure even drying. During this stage, which includes both fermentation and drying, the moisture levels are carefully monitored. Finally, after milling, the coffee is packed into GrainPro bags to maintain its humidity and preserve its sensory attributes.