Fazenda Fortaleza is located in the Mantiqueira de Minas growing region of Brazil in the city of São Gonçalo Sapucai, Minas Gerais. The farm is operated by Grasiela Maris de Souza Borges and her husband, Djalma Borges Junior, who inherited the farm in 1999.
Grasiela currently lives on the 12 hectare Fazenda Fortaleza with her husband and three children. The family has worked to renovate their crops, adapt new farm management techniques, and keep sustainability in mind as they cultivate coffee across 11 of the farm’s 12 hectares. Today, Grasiela and Djalma have focused their efforts entirely on specialty coffee production, executing post-harvest processing with a commitment to quality.
This lot of Red Catuai coffee underwent Natural processing. Catuai was made by the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Campinas, Brazil by crossing Mundo Novo and Caturra varieties. Catuai coffees are cultivated widely across Brazil, and are known for their high productivity potential.